Monday 23 July 2012

Sudbury the Toilet, 4000 km and Huge Donations

We've reached two milestones today: we have now officially cycled over 4000 km, and are also well past or fundraising goal thanks to an insanely generous donation from an incredibly giving anonymous donor. We give a huge thank you to this person and are now revising our goal from $1500 to $3700. Sure it's a big increase, but we think we can make it! Please please please spread the word however you can!

We cycled to Sudbury today. It's pretty much the toilet of northern Ontario in my opinion. I've never been to such a dreadful, depressing place. The roads are worse than any we've yet cycled on, many stores are closed up, there are some really sketchy people who hang out downtown, and it's got several smoke stacks that apparently help create acid rain. The acid in the rain has apparently altered the colour of rocks in the town, and also decimated fish populations in done of the nearby lakes. It's very much like Detroit, I'd imagine.

When we were about 75 km from Sudbury, we stopped at a busy Tim Hortons for a break and to refill our water bottles. Several people warned us of an extreme weather alert that had been issued for Sudbury. As we cycled on we noticed huge dark clouds on either side of us, as well as above us. There is a kitten crawling on me as I try and type this. It's very cute but very annoying typing with cat ass in my face. Frig, it won't go away!

Anyways we somehow missed all the rain. It must gave known we were coming and been intimidated by our candor. Go away, cat! The storm was quite ginormous according to the gentleman we're staying with tonight. He's a friend of John's who used to work at the Y. Nice guy. How do a keep missing the rain?

The place we're in right now us sweltering hot for whatever reason. I hypothesize that it's because this cat is really the devil. We opted to walk along the train tracks to the only non polluted lake in the area and take a dip to cool off. I'm always scared I'm going to step on a decomposing body when I swim in lakes. It hasn't happened yet though, but I'm still only 25 and sure love swimming in lakes.

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